March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

(VIDEO) How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half

How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half

Do y’all remember a few weeks ago when I was fussing on Facebook about potty training and how I should just write a book called, How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half?

Best seller in the making

Okay, well, it’s finally happening. I can’t believe it!

All that time spent neglecting my children and focusing on my many, many personal talents has finally paid off.

[Let me guess, you’re finally joining the circus?]

I have a book deal!

(Don’t get too excited, mom & dad.)

How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half(ish) by Katy in a Corner:  Coming soon to a truck stop, rest area, and/or fruit stand near you.

I’m kind of a big deal in Northeastern Kansas.


PS – I’ll post the winners of my One Year Blogiversary giveaway later today! So, stay tuned for another post. Or, you can subscribe (at the top of this page) and get my posts straight to your inbox.

I promise I won’t sell your information to anyone—unless it’s a Nigerian family with wealth who wants to offer you the opportunity of a lifetime in exchange for $200,000 in travelers checks. KIDDING. Totally kidding.

[Yeah, you’ll never get subscribers now, you nitwit.]

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  • Katy's Mama

    From your title I was excited thinking that Potty Training was a success. But hey, a book deal is good too. Just think how much material JJ is gathering for himself. I think his first book could be titled, “How to generate your own reward system while being Potty Trained.”

  • Katie

    Don’t sweat the potty training. My kid didn’t get potty trained until he outgrew all the diaper sizes and all the pull-ups sizes. He was 3 1/2. I just kept reminding myself that he wasn’t going to graduate high school with a bottle, his lovey, and diapers, and I got through it.

  • Katie

    Oh – Congratulations on the book deal too!!! That is exciting.

  • PappyJack

    Fortunately I don’t need the advice on potty training (my youngest, at 23, has it down pat), but I have to ask.  Is this “Katy in a Corner” or “Katy in a Mirror”?  When you held the book up in the shot, the letters were backwards.  Perhaps that is the issue.  He’s doing the everything in reverse.  You might look into that … 🙂

  • bgettig

    oh my goodness…you make me laugh

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