January 18, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Speed Trap: A One-Woman Show

Speed Trap:  A One-Woman Show

Remember my Labor Day post about how Brian got pulled over in a speed trap for the billionth time this year? And remember how I said I would reenact that in a one-woman show about it? And remember how I vowed to never travel in the car with any of them again until one of them learns to stop speeding and two of them learn to defecate in a toilet and to quit whining nonstop?

Feast your eyes, my friends.

Wait! But before you watch this, I have to tell you what Brian said after he watched it:

Brian:  [While rolling his eyes.] “Hmm. Hilarious.”

Katy:  “Is it accurate?”

Brian:  “It’s scary accurate. Except I sounded really impatient and you sounded really patient. Other than that it’s completely accurate.”

Katy:  “I was really patient! You’ve been pulled over a million times!”

Brian:  “You asked my opinion. I don’t think I’m that harsh sounding.”

Katy:  “Oh, that wasn’t harshness. That was my authoritative, manly voice.”

Brian:  “Oh, okay. Then it’s all totally accurate.”

This video has been given the Brian “Lead Foot” Morgan seal of approval.

Parents of toddlers (or parents who have had toddlers), does this video sound like your car? 

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  • jules p

    this was stinkin’ hilarious. and very true. BUT…the part where “hubby” admits to being w-r-o-n-g would never happen in my car. (probably not yours either) If it did..hubby is pretty good! Not many men admit to being wrong;they just turn it around you wife/unsuspecting person. 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      No, Brian definitely did admit that. But I may have emphasized it a bit more for my own enjoyment. 🙂

  • Dona

    Oh. My. Word. No doubt about it. You ARE a one woman wonder! This should be nominated for a…..what? What do the U-Tube videos get? No, this should be better than that. You know, I’ve been after Anna (My Life and Kids) to write a book for all the years I’ve been following her. Even got her mom to agree. And her husband……sorta. But I’m done. She has disappointed me for the last time….maybe. I’m gonna work on you! Same deal. You write the book and I’ll come take care of the house and kids, and do the cooking. ‘KK?? Girl we will be rollin’ in dough…..and I don’t mean Play Dough!!!!

    (hehe) Love you giirl!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Haha! Thanks, Dona! I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a book, but I can never decide on the topic. Maybe I’ll just make a coffee table book full of photos of all of Brian’s speeding tickets.

  • Kellie

    So funny! Yes, it sounds exactly like my car. My four year old is the milk fiend, my 6 yr old has autism and repeats tv shows and sound effects all the time, and you can add a 5 month old that just likes to add his two cents.

    Good times!

    • Katy in a Corner

      What you and I need are some REEEEEEEALLY good headphones.

  • Meredith

    Hilarious! Loved it!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thanks, Meredith!

  • Karmen

    So. Funny. And accurate. And completely entertaining in a schizo-one-woman-show kinda way! Keep them coming!

    • Katy in a Corner

      I’ll be honest, I made everyone leave the house and closed all the blinds before I did this video.

  • Katy's Mama


    I watched your video & read your blog. Will Brian go on the list of people that aren’t asked to proof your blog like I am since he didn’t agree with you?? Just asking! Another question, why don’t you have a “VOICE” for Brian like you do me? When you are impersonating me it is very clear. Because you go to the “VOICE” Just suggesting that you get one for Brian. I could help you with that if you would like!! Video very funny.

    Riding in the car with ANY man should be an Olympic Event!! I think if I could invent something to make it easier to ride in the car it would be a GPS enhancer. So not only would the device show in RED when you they are speeding but it would also send a shock to their seat. That would also help to keep them awake! Also, the lady would address G-Man personally when giving directions. Like, “G-Man listen up. I am getting ready to tell you where you are suppose to go next since you can’t read what the device is showing you so stop looking for Hawks in the trees and LISTEN” I think that might save us on at least 2-3 U-turns on each trip!!! I know it would save on me having to repeat EVERYTHING she says!

    Love you!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Tell us how you really feel, Mama. 🙂 Ha! Love you!

  • Shawna B.

    Katy, please don’t post anything like that EVER again. It’s very embarrasing to snort and pee at the same time as a 30-something women. (For small children, it’s COMPLETELY acceptable.) I’m just greatful that no diet coke was harmed in the watching of this video.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Well, as long as no Diet Coke was harmed, I’m totally okay with you snorting and peeing yourself. Happens to the best of us 30-somethings.

  • Robyn

    I have to say this will be a Katy in a Corner classic, to be watched for years to come. I think your performance as Averi was my favorite, the blanket maneuvers were classic. I laughed through the whole thing and wasn’t ready for it to end! Where do you get these ideas???

    • Katy in a Corner

      Ha! Thanks, Robyn! I’ve just got so much material to work with over here. What with the speeding tickets and two toddlers. Never a dull moment.

  • Sarah

    You. Are. Awesome.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thanks, Sarah. 🙂

  • Kat

    Ha ha ha ha ha hahaha ha ha ha you have way more patience than me! But then again when we travel together I drive because I remember to indicate and have better direction sense. His job is to lay back and go the heck to sleep and let me drive me peace lol

    • Katy in a Corner

      Kat, I think Brian would tell you that my patience was much greater in my reenactment. I don’t think so, but Brian would argue it.

  • Jodie

    That was the best thing I have ever seen, sounds just like my car- except the speeding ticket (buthubby does speed) AWSOME

  • Barb

    Katy, this is a classic! Your impersonations are hilarious! I felt like I was in the car with you! Soooo funny!!!

  • Christy Bell

    Ha! I love this! Sounds like my car. I actually got pulled over a few years ago with my daughter (who was 8), my niece & my son all in the car. Now keep in mind, I’ve never had a ticket before and my daughter WILL work for OSHA when she is grown because she is definitely a rule follower. (Not my rules of course, but anyone else’s). I was going 70 in a 55,; it was a back country road and I had 3 squawking kids in the back). As the cop is standing there, my daughter very loudly says, “mom! You go faster than that in the subdivision!!” (For the record, I do NOT). I almost died. The cop just smirked, told me to slow it down, and since I had never had a ticket before, he was just going to give me a warning. God Bless him. I think he just felt sorry for me.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Haha! Your comment about OSHA made me laugh out loud!

  • Pam @ A New Organized Me

    OMG! Why do husbands think they are the greatest drivers but ALWAYS get caught speeding. I swear my husband has paid at least $1K in tickets this year because he keeps getting caught on the speed cameras. His defense is but I thought it was located somewhere else. I didn’t know it was there. Duh, they move them because they know people like you are only slowing down if you know the camera is there. How about not speeding at all.

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